Latest news from Wybone

Prepare For Winter With 10% Off Wybone Grit Bins

24 October 2023

The air is getting colder and the nights are getting darker. Winter is coming!

With the first day of the cold season less than two months away, local authorities and private businesses are prepping themselves for the freezing winter months by stocking up on grit bins.

We’ve knocked 10% off all our grit bins to ensure you don't miss out.

We have a wide selection of grit bins, and to make things easier for you, we’ll go through the benefits of each type.

Fibreglass Grit Bins

•    Made from fibreglass for extreme durability
•    Excellent thermal stability
•    Choose from 224 litres, 285 litres, 318 litres, 336 litres or 454 litres
•    Our fibreglass grit bins have lasted 40+ years
•    Closed or open front for easy access
•    Options for stacked grit bins
•    Waterproof

Plastic Grit Bins

•    Choose from 200 litres or 400 litres
•    Waterproof
•    Made from polythene for great durability
•    Lightweight
•    Easily recyclable
•    Sloped lid to prevent excess snow on top of the bin
•    UV stabilised to prevent discolouration
•    Easy clean  

Glass-reinforced Grit Bins

•    Made from glass-reinforced plastic for excellent durability
•    Choose from 168 litres, 308 litres or 1008 litres
•    Easy clean
•    Lightweight
•    UV stabilised to prevent discolouration

No matter the style of bin you choose, each grit bin is carefully made to ensure it can remain outside in harsh elements all year round.

Hurry – our discount will soon end!   


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