Company details for A D S Design and Build Ltd

A D S Design and Build Ltd

  • 0152 (Display number) 01525 793976
Bull Farm Close, Hockliffe
Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 9TH United Kingdom

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About us

When it comes to home construction and management, our dynamic father duo team is whom you can count on. We decided to combine our knowledge of construction and management and provide you with high-quality construction and home maintenance services. So whether you need brand-new construction, just some repairs, kitchen and bathroom renovations, handyman work, carpentry work, plastering, or plumbing work—we have your back. We work closely with you, understand your needs and ensure you get the service and result you want. We never compromise on quality and always go the extra mile to ensure you are 100% satisfied with the quality of service we provide. Contact us now.

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