List your company
Gain instant exposure within your targeted industry sectors on the UK’s fastest growing, comprehensive, online business to business website
Registering your company takes just a few minutes, just select the package that’s right for your business.
Every package on Approved Business benefits from the following:
- Company name
- Address
- Phone number
- Quote form
- Review system
- Trade association logos
- QR code
- Website screenshot
- Interactive admin console
- Metadata
12 month contract
- 300 character short description
- 1000 character long description
- 8 existing product & service categories
- 1 bespoke product & service category
- Displays at the bottom of product and service pages
12 month contract
- 300 character short description
- 4000 character long description
- 50 existing product & service categories
- 5 bespoke product & service categories
- Displays above free listings
- Company logo
- Website backlink
- Social media links
- YouTube live feed
- 10 PDF brochures
- 1 press release per month
- Up to 10 images in slide show
- 5 specific products with stock codes each with direct links back to your own site
12 month contract
- 300 character short description
- 4000 character long description
- Unlimited existing product & service categories
- 8 bespoke product & service categories
- Displays above free listings
- Company logo
- Website backlink
- Social media links
- YouTube live feed
- 25 PDF brochures
- Up to 3 press releases per month
- Up to 24 images in slide show
- 25 specific products with stock codes each with direct links back to your own site
- 3 recommended search terms, locking you into the top position
12 month contract
- Everything in the Premium package plus......
- 1 social post per week across 3 platforms
- Content creation and copywriting
- Bespoke hashtags
- Yearly report
- Dedicated account manager