Company details for Ability Matters

Ability Matters

  • 0186 (Display number) 01865 242500
332 Abingdon Road
Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 4TQ United Kingdom

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About us

Ability Matters is a collection of private clinics and retail outlets, which provide specialist prosthetic, orthotic and mobility services. We have premises throughout the UK. 

Our multi-disciplinary team provide a range of clinical services to patients. Our clinicians prescribe and custom-fit the best orthotics and prosthetic solutions available to optimise patient comfort and quality of life. We are also able to offer specialist sports orthotics through our biomechanical and gait analysis services.

Similarly, our retail outlets supply a wide range of mobility products and daily living aids including: wheelchairs, mobility scooters, riser recliner chairs and much more.

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