Company details for Allendale Components Ltd

Allendale Components Ltd

  • 0164 (Display number) 01642 511555
Unit 2
Longbeck Trading Estate
Marske by the Sea
Redcar Cleveland TS11 6HB United Kingdom

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About us

Allendale Components Limited is a family owned and operated precision engineering company based in the North East of England. We have clients in a number of sectors including the process industries, manufacturing, automotive sector, rail, aerospace, science and many more.
Our experienced team of engineers can provide a range of bespoke solutions to meet our clients’ needs including the manufacture of machined components, the recreation of existing items, assemblies and reverse engineering.
We have been trading from our current site for over 25 years and we pride ourselves on our excellent customer service and meeting tight deadlines. Our relatively low overheads means that we can offer very competitive prices and we would be delighted to discuss any engineering requirements that you may have, large or small.

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