Company details for Amber Industries Ltd

Amber Industries Ltd

  • +44 (Display number) +44 (0) 161 284 2222
Amber House
Crompton Street
Oldham OL9 9AA United Kingdom

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About us

With origins going back over 60 years Amber Industries was incorporated in its current form in 2002. In 2005 it was subject to a buyout by the current management team. Amber Industries have the technology and the organisational capability to provide conveyors and material handling solutions from simple belt conveyors and roller conveyors through to complex integrated conveyor systems including overhead conveyors, power & free conveyors, inverted chain conveyors, floor conveyors, tote and unit load conveyors, line-shaft conveyors, ZLP conveyors, accumulation conveyors, pallet handling conveyors, incline belt conveyors, laundry conveyors and curved and spiral conveyors.

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