Company details for Anopol Ltd

Anopol Ltd

  • 0121 (Display number) 0121 632 6888
70 Bordesley Street
Birmingham West Midlands B5 5QA United Kingdom

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Product Information

Plant and Equipment

Plant and Equipment


The ultimate specification for processing production items will be influenced by one of the following:

The client already uses a metal finishing process for which he now requires replacement equipment or, alternatively, he wishes to upgrade to a semi or fully automatic system.

The client has used an electroplating supply-house to produce satisfactory samples and now needs equipment in which to operate the finishing process. ANOPOL is prepared to work closely with the supply-house to arrive at the correct plant specification.

The client has a requirement for pickling, passivating or electropolishing stainless steel using processes from ANOPOL. Electropolishing treatments for other metals are also available.

Following final sample acceptance, production batch sizes, cycle times, space allocation and details of services required are considered and incorporated into the specification.

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About us

Anopol is the UK’s market leader in electropolishing & chemical surface treatment processes for stainless steel and other metals. These include titanium, nitinol, aluminium, copper, molybdenum, tungsten and zirconium. Anopol have multiple sites in Birmingham, West Midlands & Bordon, Hampshire. For over 45 years’ we have provided customers with a successful & unique solution to meet the needs of each individual. Anopol cover a broad range of industrial sectors and markets including Automotive, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Architectural & Food & Beverage etc.

We are member of the Surface Engineering Association, British Stainless Steel Association and Association of Welding Distribution. Signatories to the Supply Chain Charter for Nuclear Decommissioning.  ISO.9001 & ISO.14001 approved.

Subcontract Processing Services

  • In-house & on-site subcontract services for cleaning, pickling, passivating and eletropolishing of stainless steel.
  • Projects carried out across the UK and Europe.
Eletropolishing - Electropolishing is in effect, Electroplating in reverse. Instead of depositing a coating of another material on a surface, the process of Electropolishing is to remove a surface layer, typically 20-40 micro-meters in depth in the case of Stainless Steel.

Pickling - The most cost-effective method for obtaining a clean passive surface on Stainless Steel is by immersion pickling in our own formulated solution of dilute acids. Anopol has extensive pickling and passivating facilities. Additionally, Anopol can supply all the necessary equipment, including water treatment, together with the necessary chemicals to those companies wishing to carry out in-house pickling and passivation, or provide resources and trained personnel to complete onsite surface treatment for customers. Cleaning, pickling and passivating products are available in liquid and gel / paste form.
Passivating - A clean Stainless Steel surface will generate it'sown passive oxide layer when exposed to oxygen. It is this oxide layer that gives stainless steels their corrosion resistant properties. owever it is possible to accelerate the formation of this layer by chemical passivation. ANOPOL has extensive pickling and passivating facilities at its Birmingham and Bordon, Hampshire facilities. Additionally, ANOPOL can supply all the necessary equipment, including water treatment, together with the necessary chemicals, to those companies wishing to carry out their own pickling and passivation. Cleaning, pickling and passivating products are available in liquid and paste form. ANOPOL also markets the WELDKLEEN machine, an environmentally friendly way of removing weld burn.
Chemical Products
  • Anopol range of products for cleaning, pickling and passivating stainless steels.
  • For removing contamination, improving corrosion resistance and providing a clean & attractive appearance.
  • Anopol test kits are also available.
Plant & Equipment
  • Our equipment is designed to meet a whole range of specifications using the latest CAD techniques.
  • We provide the client with plant & layout drawings & details of location & services required. For example, electricity and water.
Weld Cleaning
  • For preventing the corrosion of stainless steel.
  • Anopol machines are suitable for a wide range of applications including ducting & flues, pipe-work systems & silos and tanks.
  • We also supply smaller machines for those intricate and precise applications.

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