Company details for Anthony Paul Maintenance Ltd

Anthony Paul Maintenance Ltd

  • 0162 (Display number) 01628 540008
61 Headington Road
Maidenhead Berkshire SL6 5JR United Kingdom

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About us

Anthony Paul Maintenance Ltd is a specialist office handyman and janitorial contracting company that can make facilities management of your commercial property simple and easy. We offer the following services: Commercial Painting & Decorating, Hanging White Boards and Notice Boards, Fitting Window Blinds, Putting up Plasma screens, Putting up Signs and Pictures, Assembling and Moving Furniture, Plumbing Tasks, Electrical work, Fitting Window Blinds / Cut to size, Ceiling tiles and Carpet Tile Replacements, Replacing Lamps, Bulbs and Fittings, Replacing and Fitting Digital Door Locks, Replacing vinyl and carpet tiles, Replacing ceiling tiles and light fittings, Replacing emergency lights and Signage. Don't see what you need, call us today!

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