Company details for Ashworth & Thompson Ltd

Ashworth & Thompson Ltd

  • 0115 (Display number) 0115 9275843
Freeston Drive
Bulwell Nottingham NG6 8UZ United Kingdom

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About us

Based in Nottingham and Edinburgh we are ideally placed for distribution throughout the U.K. and Ireland. All telephone calls are answered by experienced framing staff, alternatively, visit one of our Showrooms or ask for a Sales Representative to visit you.

Our objective is to give trade customers the best possible quality and service, and we are pleased to offer a range of over 2000 picture frame mouldings from stock, manufactured by ourselves in Nottingham or imported from the best factories in Italy and Spain.

We also offer a complete range of mountboards from the U.K's top manufacturers, and a complete A-Z of framer's materials and equipment from Archival Tape to Z Clips to meet all your picture framing requirements.

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