Company details for Barlow Landscaping

Barlow Landscaping

  • 0772 (Display number) 07729 927 233
64 Hursley Road
Queens Drive
Walton L4 8TY United Kingdom

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About us

Your home is a place to relax, a place to socialise and a place to have a family. Therefore, your house should be something you take pride in. Here at Barlow Paving And Landscaping, we understand this. We have dedicated ourselves to making sure your house is a beautiful, comfortable and elegant looking place that you can be proud to call home. We specialise in providing the best paving, driveways, decking and landscaping in Liverpool. Located in Fazakerley, we are perfectly situated to provide our excellent and affordable services to homes across Liverpool. It is a service that comes highly recommended from our customers with whom we have developed close working relationships due to our prompt arrivals, competitive pricing and ability to deliver an outstanding results. Get in touch today to find out more about our home and gardening services in Liverpool, or to get a free quote.

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Latest Reviews

Barlow Landscaping

Perfect job at a very good price! Jay and the lads have done a brilliant job block paving our drive and back patio area. They arrived at 8am each morning and the job was completed to a very high standard and on time. Couldn't be happier!


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