Company details for Barrie Ingram Accounts Ltd

Barrie Ingram Accounts Ltd

  • 0790 (Display number) 07908 228472
26 Juniper Road
Colchester Essex CO3 0RX United Kingdom

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Product Information

Online Software

Online Software


Our fully automated and integrated software can be accessed from any where with internet browser connection. It will be all any business would need to Invoice, send emails and carry out bank reconciles. You can make reports helping you to run your business efficiently looking at where your customers have come from and make sure you have enough cash to make any new business. All reports are either downloadable in a spreadsheet or just print them.
Graphs are made automatically assisting you in the way the business is trading. You can collect outstanding invoices and accounts from your clients bank and take card and paypal payments through the set up which is always only a couple of clicks away.
It is simple to integrate with ebay and paypal.
Marketing with email is available linking with the data base, just a few clicks. The online back ups mean you never have to worry if your pc fails. The back up is SAGE compatible so moving out or moving in (export and import is available).
VAT reporting is just two clicks and it files online. All with free initial training and online help for ever. Join up for £ 15 a month or free with all inclusive deals Get first two months free – just call….

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About us

Incorporated in 2005, Barrie Ingram Accounts Ltd have over 15 years’ experience in providing tax-related services for businesses and self-employed individuals throughout the UK. 

We as a company strive to solve problems as efficiently as possible by working closely with clients and speaking in an easily understandable language that will benefit them in the long-term. 

We cater to limited companies, CIS contractors, CIS sub-contractors, sole traders and self-employed businesses across the country, helping them with their payroll, online software, tax legislation and more.

We as a company pride ourselves on our ability to talk the right language, ensuring clients that they are speaking to the right people and giving them ultimate confidence in our abilities. 

We understand that bookkeeping exercises and tax legislation can be a very difficult process, which is why we work to make it as understandable as possible for our customers. 

We have received a lot of positive feedback from our clients over the years and continue to expand our services throughout the UK, constantly improving our work and demonstrating our skills.


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