Company details for Bartholomews Specialist Distribution

Bartholomews Specialist Distribution

  • 0124 (Display number) 0124 378 4171
Bognor Road
Chichester West Sussex PO19 7TT United Kingdom

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About us

Bartholomews Specialist Distribution is part of the independent and family-owned, fourth generation Bartholomews Group.
For the last 30 years, Bartholomews Specialist Distribution has been providing storage and distribution solutions to a multitude of industries, providing everything from straightforward storage to sophisticated business-to-business and business-to-consumer fulfilment solutions.
Bartholomews Specialist Distribution currently operates from its strategically located sites in Eastleigh, Hampshire and Chichester, West Sussex. Both are close to the Southampton docks and the M3/M27 corridor.
Churchill Freight Services, also part of the Bartholomews Group, undertakes the majority of the palletised distribution requirements for Bartholomews Specialist Distribution. Its fleet consists of over 70 vehicles (including 60 HGVs).
Bartholomews knows that efficient warehousing and distribution management are central to a company’s performance, and you can be assured that we are totally committed to the success of our customers.

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