Company details for Bear & Birch Kitchens

Bear & Birch Kitchens

  • 0189 (Display number) 01892 327652
29 Salisbury Road
Langton Green
Tunbridge Wells Kent TN3 0ES United Kingdom

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About us

Bear and Birch specialises in fitted kitchens, at a price you can afford. Our bespoke solid wood kitchens are hand crafted by our skilled carpenters. We are also the only supplier of sustainable, eco friendly, green, solid bamboo kitchens in the South East. Bear & Birch fit handmade bespoke kitchens across Kent and Sussex. We're local craftsmen who have 50 years' experience in carpentry, design and fitting beautiful hand crafted kitchens. We can help you to create your dream solid wood family kitchen from the design process right through to the final decoration, designed and fitted by our team of experienced, skilled carpenters, joiners and tradesmen. If you want us to take the old kitchen out for you and do the plumbing and electrics too we can, or we can work with your existing builders and just fit your new kitchen.

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