Company details for BOFA - A Donaldson Company

BOFA - A Donaldson Company

  • 0120 (Display number) 01202 699444 - 5364 - alvin ext
19-20 Balena Close
Creekmoor Industrial Estate
Poole Dorset BH17 7DU United Kingdom

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Product Information

PrintPRO Universal

PrintPRO Universal


The PrintPRO Universal is a compact unit with a large gas filter.

It is designed exclusively for the print and print finishing industries with unique features to effectively capture and remove a wide range of solvents generated within these environments, including MEK, ketones and ozone from UV applications.

The unit is easily adapted to a huge range of environments, including wide format printers, inkjet coding printers (CIJ) (both solvent and UV) and numerous mailroom applications such as UV coating, hot melt glue binding and mailwrap polywrapping.

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About us

Founded in 1987, BOFA International are a world leading supplier of fume extraction and filtration equipment to the laser and electronics industry. We also work extensively in a wide range of markets including printing and 3D printing, mechanical engineering dental, medical and pharmaceutical, and beauty bringing affordable best in class products to the workplace.

BOFA is renowned for developing high quality, leading edge solutions – from innovative award-winning technology to the essential comprehensive ongoing support at every stage of implementation and usage. Manufactured in the UK using our in-house patented designs, BOFA produce over 18,000 machines annually, with 90% being exported worldwide across more than 120 countries.

Our extensive knowledge, in depth experience and outstanding expertise means we add value to our customers who trust and adopt the solutions we develop. Regular and significant investment in R&D means we are always ahead of the game to ensure our solutions are what’s needed today, and tomorrow.

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