Company details for Boss Roofing & Cladding Ltd

Boss Roofing & Cladding Ltd

  • 0345 (Display number) 0345 163 2189
Pine Ridge, Brereton Hill Lane
Staffordshire WS15 1PY United Kingdom

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About us

Boss Roofing and Cladding Ltd. is a premier provider of roofing and cladding solutions, renowned for our expertise and commitment to excellence. Specialising in industrial, commercial, and agricultural roofing, we deliver exceptional projects nationwide. Our team of skilled professionals combines industry-leading techniques with high-quality materials to ensure durable and reliable results. At Boss Roofing and Cladding Ltd., we pride ourselves on our customer-focused approach, innovative solutions, and unwavering dedication to safety and sustainability. Trust us to be your go-to partner for all your roofing and cladding needs.

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