Company details for Bright Heart Education Ltd

Bright Heart Education Ltd

  • 44 0 (Display number) 44 0 20 8064 3800
20-22 Wenlock Road
London London N1 7GU United Kingdom

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About us

Bright Heart was founded with a mission to be the UK’s premier provider of tuition services for those students who would benefit most from a heart-based approach. To help achieve this, Bright Heart commissioned Nasen (National Association of Special Educational Needs) to produce an online training course exclusively for Bright Heart to ensure that its tutors understand the importance of meeting the individual learning needs of all its students and will complement this through in-person Nasen training.

Bespoke, one-to-one tuition using carefully matched and trained tutors. Our tutors focus on the unique needs of each student, while building rapport and confidence with warmth. Bright Heart provides clients with a free in-home consultation and a free first lesson to ensure that the selected tutor is a great match.


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