Company details for Brightworks Product Designers

Brightworks Product Designers

  • 0117 (Display number) 01173 830300
Newminster House
27-29 Baldwin Street
Bristol Avon BS1 1LT United Kingdom

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FEA & Simulation


Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a very useful computer based tool that can simulate how a product or component reacts to different real-world forces. This can be anything from vibration, temperature, fluid dynamics, and force. This tool can be used as an indication to whether a design will fail at a certain point or how it will react under a given load. This information is fed back into the design to improve its performance or strength. This ultimately provides confidence in a design before physical testing begins.

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About us

Established in 2003, Brightworks Product Designers have almost 20 years’ experience in providing a wide range of quality new product development services. 

We are an award-winning team of development consultants, mechanical designers and production engineers based in Bristol, offering our services throughout the entirety of the UK.  We provide a flexible company structure which allows us to keep overheads to a minimum and meet the needs of our customers as productively and efficiently as possible.

Some of our main services here at Brightworks include creative concept generation, product styling, product visualisation, user understanding, ergonomics and usability, graphical user interface, product user testing, product graphic design, brand integration, packaging design, 3D CAD, technical innovation, mechanical engineering, FEA and simulation, design for manufacture and assembly, space models, visual models, development models, test rigs and technical prototypes, fully-functioning models, production specification, jigs and fixtures, supplier sourcing and more.

Over the years, we have built up strong relationships with clients who have praised our services for being reliable, efficient and professional.  Some of these clients include well-established brands such as OptiNose, Glide Pharma, Aid Call, Anim Alarm, Limbs & Things, Clarks, Kelda Showers, XMOS, EcoEgg, Winnku, ICF Tech, Empak Ltd, Lansinoh, Avon Protection, EnModus, Forecourt Solutions and many more. 

All products and services we provide are tailored to the exact specifications of our clients and we strive to exceed their expectations time and time again.

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