Company details for CCSS Fire & Security Ltd

CCSS Fire & Security Ltd

  • 0800 (Display number) 0800 781 4494
Stuart House
Garretts Green Trading Estate
Valepits Road
Birmingham West Midlands B33 0TD United Kingdom

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About us

CCSS has over 25 years’ experience looking after critical fire and security systems for a host of businesses, councils and housing associations across England and Wales.

From fire alarms to intruder alarm systems we have the knowledge and extensive experience to ensure systems remain operational.

Our team of over 50 engineers covering the greater Midlands and the North of England can respond to urgent calls within a few hours 24/7 365 days a year.

We deal with the old and the new. We are experts at keeping legacy equipment in service to ensure vulnerable customers and premises are left with working systems. Part of our stores is dedicated to legacy equipment which is tested and stored for use when required.

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