Affordable HPLC and Ion Chromatography Systems
Stockcode: Adept 4
Cecil Instruments are leading designers and manufacturers of HPLC systems, Ion Chromatographs and UV/Visible Spectrophotometers.
Cecil Instruments’ Adept and Q-Adept ranges of flexible modular HPLC and IonQuest Ion Chromatography, may be configured to suit individual requirements. There is a wide range of detectors, including the revolutionary UV/Visible WaveQuest.
The elegantly effective AutoQuest autosamplers are specially designed for use with the Cecil Adept HPLC, Q-Adept HPLC and IonQuest Ion Chromatography Systems. They may also be used with third party LC systems.
The Cecil compact column heaters and heater/chillers are also compatible with third party LC systems, with sufficient space for up to three 25 cm columns and a chemical suppressor valve.
Comprehensive, versatile, intuitive and easy to use PowerStream software provides for 21 CFR part 11 compliance.
Adept HPLC, Q-Adept HPLC and IonQuest Ion Chromatography systems have been designed with the user in mind. Systems are easy and fast to install. They are virtually plug and play.
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