Company details for Cecil Instruments Ltd

Cecil Instruments Ltd

  • 0122 (Display number) 01223 420821
Milton Technical Centre
Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 6AZ United Kingdom

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Product Information

AutoQuest Chromatography Autosampler

AutoQuest Chromatography Autosampler

Stockcode: CE 4800-100

The Cecil Instruments autosampler, may be used with virtually all HPLC and Ion Chromatography systems.
The astoundingly reliable 100 sample position autosampler, provides for ultra-low carryover, ultra-high injection precision, replicate injections and sample volumes from 5 µL to 2 mL.
The ultra-low carry-over, provides effective sampling for todays’ trace residue and contaminant analyses.

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Cecil Instruments are leading designers and manufacturers of HPLC systems, Ion Chromatographs and UV/Visible Spectrophotometers.

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