Company details for CMI Healthcare

CMI Healthcare

  • 0134 (Display number) 01344 621378
5 Rise Road
Ascot Berkshire SL5 0BH United Kingdom

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About us

Specialists in the sterile services sector, CMI Healthcare has a one of the UK’s largest and longest reputations in the industry, supplying a wide range of autoclaves, endoscope washers, sterilizers and washer disinfectors from the worlds leading manufacturers.

Working closely with the NHS, private Hospitals, Laboratories such as dental and veterinary and other private organizations, CMI Healthcare can offer the most comprehensive service to our customers making us the preferred supplier. We have a large customer base with currently 150 contracts; customers include NHS, Spire, BMI, Synergy, Skanska and PME.

CMI Healthcare, located in Ascot, Berkshire are you number one choice for the service, maintenance, testing, validation, installation and calibration of autoclaves, washer disinfectors and endoscope washers also including most ancillaries and appliances associated with a decontamination site. In addition, CMI Healthcare has a large range of spare parts and consumables for most of the major autoclave manufacturers.

  • Autoclaves – bench top mounted, front loading, top loading and free standing
  • Sterilizers
  • Endoscope washers
  • Washer disinfectors
All the staff at CMI Healthcare has a vast experience in the industry working with most of the major manufacturers including Steris Hamo, BMM Weston, SAL, Dawmed, SEC-Getinge, Eschmann, LTE, MMM and many more. Our engineers are located throughout the UK and trained to the highest standards emphasizing on our company ethos – quality, reliability, value, professionalism and integrity.

CMI Healthcare complies to HTM 01-01, HTM 2010, HTM 2030 and HTM 2031 validation and are also UKAS accredited with ISO 9001:2000 certification. Please visit the CMI Healthcare website, or contact us for any additional information on our range of autoclaves, sterilisers or washer disinfectors.

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