Company details for Consumer Links

Consumer Links

  • 0161 (Display number) 0161 775 8861
The Old School House
Manchester Road
Carrington Manchester M31 4UG United Kingdom

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About us

We work with hundreds of leading companies around the world with a wide range of clients from the public and private sector. Our business is about effective communication between ourselves, our clients and their customers.
In the competitive market we work in, it is vital that we strive to be better than our rivals and is why we tailor our services to meet our customers needs and have a unique understanding of the issues that their business and their personnel face every day.
About Our Technology
We use our own purpose built technology to allow us to tailor our services to suit your exact requirements. All of our call systems have been built in-house and are managed and maintained by our on-site, full time team that allows us to quickly respond to account requests.

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