Company details for CSI Media

CSI Media

  • 0344 (Display number) 0344 873 0073
(t/a) CSI Media
4 Mallard Court Mallard Way
Crewe Business Park, Crewe
Cheshire CW1 6ZQ United Kingdom

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About us

Established in 1998 by father, son, and best friend, our jolly-friendly team has expanded from three to 32, bringing new faces, ideas, skills, and - it must be said - a rather varied, 'interesting' taste in music! We have delivered bespoke web and software solutions for over 200 companies across the UK, covering a diverse range of markets and business requirements. Our team has won numerous industry awards for our web and software projects; this we attribute to our passion, honesty, and dedication to providing our clients with a service that has a genuinely positive impact on their business and commercial success.

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