Company details for Direct Tableware

Direct Tableware

  • +44( (Display number) +44(0)1763 248 008
Cutlers House
Lumen Road
Royston Hertfordshire SG8 7AG United Kingdom

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About us

In 2017, we opened our showroom in central London. The showroom is the ideal place for restaurateurs, hoteliers and food service establishments searching for inspiration. Equipped with an extensive range of products from the best catering equipment brands, the showroom has been designed to offer solutions for all budgets.

After 50 years in the business, our product knowledge is second to none.  We firmly believe in quality and fairness, and this is reflected in every aspect of our business. Even our ‘Economy/Value’ products are selected on quality. Our insistence of quality is reflected in the products, choice of ranges and our customer service.  We regularly revise our prices to make sure our customers get the best prices in the market. Our primary function is to ensure our customers receive the products they want when they want them.

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