Company details for DSL Ltd

  • 0146 (Display number) 01462 675530
4 Aylesford Court
Works Road
Letchworth Garden City Hertfordshire SG6 1LP United Kingdom

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About us

DSL has constantly been at the forefront of new technologies and is recognised as a leading specialist supplier of embedded/industrial computing solutions to the OEM market.
Contributing to our product range is a variety of products covering Panel PCs, Industrial PCs, SBCs and other off-the-shelf industry products. In satisfying the day to day demand for these products DSL distributes on behalf of established Taiwanese manufacturers such as ICOP Technology and Aplex Technology.
Over sixty percent of DSL’s activity is the design (and on-going supply) of embedded solutions via performance optimised, cost-effective target platforms. These tend to encompass a wide range of x86 and ARM architecture, microcontroller and embedded systems.

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