Company details for Durapid Technologies

Durapid Technologies

  • +447 (Display number) +447771130328
17 Rama Apartments
17 St. Anns Road
Harrow London HA11JU United Kingdom

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About us

Durapid Technologies is a global leader in providing IT solutions for enterprises. Our dedicated team of digital transformation experts excels in cloud migration, SAP integration, legacy modernization, and optimizing service delivery.
With extensive experience in enterprise digital transformation, we understand the challenges faced by businesses in this evolving environment. Our expertise is supported by a robust team of 75+ experienced developers who have propelled us to complete over 90+ successful projects.
Our global reach extends to serving over 15+ clients across diverse regions including Dubai, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, and more. At Durapid Technologies, our mission is to equip enterprises with the tools and knowledge to achieve their strategic goals with greater efficiency and effectiveness.

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