Company details for F. Ball and Co. Ltd

F. Ball and Co. Ltd

  • 0153 (Display number) 01538 361 633
Station Road
Churnetside Business Park
Leek ST13 7RS United Kingdom

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About us

Established in 1886, the company’s market-leading products are tried and trusted across the contract flooring industry where F. Ball flooring adhesives, smoothing underlayments, and ancillary floor preparation products offer proven reliability for applications in many various sectors including commercial, retail, education, healthcare, and leisure.

Manufacturing from a state-of-the-art facility in Staffordshire; service, reliability, and experience are the underpinnings of the F. Ball philosophy. The company has an experienced technical service team offering advice and specifications for individual projects, backed up by the f. Ball Recommended Adhesives Guide – the most respected guide to adhesive compatibility in the flooring industry, which features around 6,000 adhesive recommendations for floorcoverings from over 200 international floorcovering manufacturers. On-site support is provided by a team of Technical Representatives, covering the UK, Ireland, and the Netherlands.

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