The playground mile walk thermo plastic playground marking can be adjusted to fit any play area. The children start walking at the head of the snake and follow the dashed line along the its body until one lap has been completed. When eight laps are completed then a mile has been walked. This can be done on seperate ocasions during the day or at once during a PE lesson. The playground mile walked is designed for schools that do not have extensive school grounds to accommodate a mile track. We will individually design a circuit to fit your play area and calculate the number of circiuts required to complete one mile.
first4playgrounds specialise in the design and installation of playground markings, sports court markings and playground equipment throughout the UK. We are also the North of England sub- contractor for playground equipment and installer for two leading national playground equipment suppliers.
Our colourful, fun and educational playground markings and games can transform your school playground and be a valuable teaching and learning tool and curriculum resource.
We have a wide range of designs suitable from nursery ks1 and upwards, ranging from traditional games such as Hopscotch, Snakes and Ladders and mazes to more educational markings that help support numeracy, literacy and other core subjects such as geography, science and sports markings for p.e lessons and sports such as football, netball, tennis, basketball and running tracks.
We offer a free site survey and design for your playground. first4playgrounds will work with you to provide an outdoors space that meets your requirements and your budget, from full installation to renewing existing courts and lines.
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Exercise helps make our children healthier! On average, children who exercise more have lower levels of depression and psychological distress and higher levels of positive self image, life satisfaction and general well-being.
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Mental Health Matters On average, children who exercise more have lower levels of depression and psychological distress and higher levels of positive self image, life satisfaction and general well-being.
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16/11/2016 -
Playground Markings in Swindon First4playgrounds installation team recently completed a range of thermal plastic playground markings in Swindon, England.
The playground markings are excellent. We are really impressed with the quality and the way they look. They have made our dull playground so much brighter. The school logo was very impressive and is a really good visual point for all the parents, visitors and children that come into our school.
By Hayley Cradock of Alderman Jacobs Primary School
We love our new playground markings, they really brighten up our play areas.the children were so excited to use the new cart track which looks amazing.