Company details for Flex Flooring

Flex Flooring

  • 0162 (Display number) 01622 747909
Mill House
Pympes Court
Busbridge Road
Maidstone Kent ME15 0HZ United Kingdom

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About us

Welcome to Flexflooring Ltd! We are a company specialising in the installation of polyurethane / PU flooring and epoxy-based surfacing systems. We supply and install seamless surfaces, resin floors, decorative floors, safety flooring, poured floors, outdoor rubber flooring, traditional wet pour, specialist screeds and decorative resin bound stone floors.

Our Products
Our products range from traditional wet pour rubber products to a wide range of resin bound stone and resin poured products. All utilising the best systems we can find, sourced by us and installed by our own team of experienced workmen.
Our specialist wet pour products have been used extensively in the wet leisure market, for swimming pool surrounds to splash parks. As well as installing in more specialised areas, we also have a great deal of experience in the more traditional wet pour installations of children’s playgrounds and golf pathways.
Flexflooring also specialise in poured resin floors, whether factory floors or commercial floors, such as showrooms, office floors, commercial kitchens, we will have the experience to help you decide on the correct floor for your environment.

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