Company details for Glowing Stoves

Glowing Stoves

  • 0748 (Display number) 07486 877001
3 Ruishton Lane Cottages
Ruishton Lane
Taunton Somerset TA3 5JR United Kingdom

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Product Information

Stove installations with chimney flue lining in Milverton, Somerset

Stove installations with chimney flue lining in Milverton, Somerset


Glowing Stoves carry out two stove installations in this project. Our customers have two inglenook fireplaces and two old log burners. The stoves are old, inefficient, and absolutely devour wood. They want a stove with a nominal 5 KW size so that an air vent is not a requirement. Because of the large size of the fireplace, a cast-iron stove with good size is needed. There are very few multi-fuel stoves available that are large enough not to look lost in these fireplaces. However, the ACR Rowendale fits the bill perfectly.

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About us

Hetas registered wood and log burning stove installers based in Taunton, Somerset. Our wood burning stove fitters cover most of Somerset and Devon.

Let Glowing Stoves supply, install and service your log burner or multifuel stove. We are specialists in twin wall chimney installations  and are H006 Hetas certified.

We are fully insured with £2 million public liability insurance.

Please contact our log burning stove engineers for a FREE survey and quotation.

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Latest Reviews

Glowing Stoves

I actually didn't think that polite , knowledgeable professionals existed. What a wonderful job.They also overcame bad workmanship from a previous installer with good grace and humour. So respecful of furnishings etc.Without hesitation I would recommend James and team.


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