Company details for Hacel

  • +44 (Display number) +44 1912809911
Harcel House
Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 9ND United Kingdom

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About us

All products are designed and manufactured in Hacels purpose built facility in Great Britain  and the company is independently certified under the PAS 2060 standard as Carbon Neutral. Hacel were rewarded with double ISO certification achieving both ISO 14001 for Environmental Management and 9001 Quality Management System.
The company’s energy efficient luminaires are eminently suitable for a wide range of environments including; architectural, commercial and retail sectors. By working closely with clients, consultants, specifiers, architects, electrical contractors and their distributors, Hacel is strategically positioned to offer exciting new luminaires, bespoke lighting scheme solutions  and the latest advancements in lighting control to support current and future market requirements.

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