Company details for Hall Partitions Ltd

Hall Partitions Ltd

  • +44 (Display number) +44 845 678 0737
Unit 5
Esgors Farm
High Road
Epping cm16 6ly United Kingdom

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About us

Architectural Acoustic Products Ltd. (AAP) is a UK wide and international acoustic product specialist.

We specialise in Acoustic Movable Wall Systems, acoustic cladding, ceiling hung and wall mounted acoustic reverberation panels, acoustic sliding folding partitions and all types of glazed folding sliding doors and Glass Moveable Walls.

We are the exclusive service and repair distributor for Hall Partition systems but have many years experience with Oddicini and Sesamverken systems.

As well as Acoustic Movable Walls, we are a distributor of Secure Window Systems (SWS) fire rated and acoustic roller shutter systems.

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