Company details for Hannaford Upright

Hannaford Upright

  • +44 (Display number) +44 1483730221
80-82 Maybury Road
Woking Surrey GU21 5JH United Kingdom

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About us

Incorporated in 1959, the Practice has specialised in providing design services that meet the highest engineering standards demanded by clients and the necessary budget constraints that are an important factor in today's competitive market.
Hannaford Upright's portfolio of clients has included many Local Authorities and Government Offices as well as Commercial and Industrial concerns and the company has grown steadily throughout a very succesful forty-one year history.
Technological advances in computerised design aids have been adopted for many years throughout the company but it is the experience of the design teams that ensure projects are successful in both their engineering and management aspects.
The practice recognised the importance of Quality Assurance and in June 1996 Hannaford Upright was accredited with the certificate for compliance with ISO 9001 which has been updated in accordance with British Standards. They are also registered on the ConstuctionLine Directories.

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