Company details for Haxton Chartered Accountants

Haxton Chartered Accountants

  • 020 (Display number) 020 8977 1888
Central House
124 High Street
Hampton Hill
Hampton TW12 1NS United Kingdom

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About us

Haxton is a firm of Chartered Accountants based in Hampton Hill specialising in supporting businesses with annual sales under £5 million.
Set up in May 1988, one of our specialisms is the Design Business and we are registered experts with the Design Business Association.
Our service focus is accounting, financial management and tax planning.
As well as traditional accounts and tax work we are able to provide a Financial Director input as well as getting involved in advanced tax planning, development of effective business management, profit improvement programmes and are able to share a wealth of practical experience.
We believe the accountant for tomorrow will derive 60% or more of fees from non-accounting work. This will include:
• Business Coaching and Consulting
• Advanced Tax Planning
• Personal Financial Planning
We look forward to meeting you.

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