Latest Articles
Articles 531 to 540 | Page 54 of 236
27 October 2022
Arquella, Aida assist
Southern Care Maintenance is delighted to introduce Arquella, another new technology partner for 2022!
The importance of lift servicing for lift owners
Being a responsible lift owner or building manager, you have a duty to ensure that your lift is safe to use. With this in mind, it's critical that lift servicing is carried out regularly.
Why it pays to upgrade your lift
Because lift replacements aren’t always the best solution... particularly if your existing lift occupies a challenging location, design and/or configuration — something that would demand a costly and time-consuming replacement.
26 October 2022
Coinadrink donates tea and coffee supplies to enhance Sponsored Breaks.
Coinadrink Limited the Black Country vending machine company has recently donated hot drinks supplies via our Café Casa and Hotel Trays divisions to Sponsored Breaks.
25 October 2022
How To Find Help and Support at Home
As we grow older, we inevitably start thinking about where we are going to live and the care that we may need in the future. With a wide range of options to choose from, this can be a daunting process.
World Alzheimer's Day
The 21st of September is World Alzheimer’s Day, concluding a month-long international campaign to raise awareness surrounding the disease.
Which types of cases are best for transporting medical equipment?
When transporting medical equipment, it’s incredibly important that it’s securely stored in a case that protects the contents from potential damage.
24 October 2022
“A Royal Opening”
A few months ago, we were approached by our local Royal Bournemouth Hospital to see if we’d be willing to donate any furniture to complete their new outdoor Lavender Garden project.
IoT Wi-Fi connected daily living sensors
Medpage supply a diverse range of alarm sensors and monitoring cameras that connect through your home broadband to allow alarm notifications to be passed over the internet to your Smartphone.
New Luxury Dementia Care Home Bedroom Furniture
We have added several new Collections to our Bedroom furniture ranges, including 2 new for Dementia care.
Articles 531 to 540 | Page 54 of 236