Hollywood Smiles was created out of a desire to provide the highest quality, safest, most effective system of teeth whitening ever developed.
Dental professionals, working over ten years in the industry, learned and perfected the Hollywood Smiles USA Teeth Whitening system.
Having a whiter smile has become a priority in beauty regimes across the world; it can make you look younger and boost confidence.
One of the most attractive features of a person is their smile. When you are welcomed by a brilliant white smile, it grabs your attention
Over time, your teeth will inevitably tend to age and become stained by foodstuffs, particularly by smoking and drinking coffee, tea and red wine.
To restore the natural colour of your teeth, Hollywood Smiles uses a proven effective method that:
• Gets the quickest and longest lasting results
• Gives you the most natural and brilliant white teeth
• is safe and comfortable
Although whitening teeth has become popular recently, the idea is not new. Over time, many technical improvements have been made and the process has been thoroughly studied and safety-tested. Scientific articles have shown that the materials used to whiten your teeth are effective and safe. It does not change the structure of teeth; it merely makes them appear whiter and brighter.
The whitening procedure is not painful. Although some clients may experience slight tooth sensitivity, this usually disappears in a day or so. NO HEAT, NO NEEDLES OR DRILLS.