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29 November 2019
Why Good Old Build Quality is Still a Winning Feature
Commercial kitchens are demanding places. With orders and staff flying back and forth preparing dish after dish for ever-hungry customers, any time-saving technology can seem like a god-send.
Students thought Bolton blaze was a 'false alarm' after suffering from alarm fatigue
Students ignored a fire alarm in a blaze at a block of student flats because fire alarms go off "almost every day."
Dometic CooIIce Passive Transport Boxes keep contents hot or cold
Made from robust plastic, the CoolIce transport box can withstand the roughest conditions and its thick, refrigeration-grade foam insulation and specially designed seal helps to keep your items frozen. Plus this high quality insulation also keeps food and other products hot.
26 November 2019
Tablet Rentals – Gadget rental experts & Gadget support
We at Tablet Rentals have a wide variety of some of the latest gadgets and desk stands.
Are you looking for a notebook with video capturing capabilities with presentation making capabilities?
Then Samsung Galaxy Tablet S6 is the best option for you.
25 November 2019
Shell Schemes for University Freshers Fairs
We all know how quickly the summer can fly by, so make sure you are ready for September/October time when school and university starts again!
The 8 Warning Signs that Indicate You Need to Switch Your IT Provider
Change can be scary – but changing IT support partner needn’t be. In fact, sticking with the devil you know can be a lot worse! We look at some of the signs that indicate it’s time to change your MSP.
Are you doing enough to protect your staff against Phishing?
In IT, we talk a lot about protecting our systems and data against cyber-attack. However, there is a growing realisation that this is only part of the picture. We need to do much more to protect our people too.
Does Better the Devil You Know Hold True for IT Support?
The maxim “better the devil you know” has a sidekick: “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. In today’s world of fast-paced change, increasingly competitive markets and evolving security threats, both phrases are outliving their usefulness.
Would You Pay £2600 to Save £8k?
Grease traps can seem pricey. And that price-tag can push some into buying cheaper, less-durable traps or even opting to take the risk and not have one at all.
Articles 3541 to 3550 | Page 355 of 625