Founded in 1958, IG Lintels is a division of the UK’s largest manufacturer of steel lintels and masonry support systems. The major activity of IG Lintels is the design, development, manufacture and supply of standard and custom made steel lintels. IG’s extended range of building components includes Brick Slip Feature Lintels, Steel Support Systems, Windposts and Cavity Trays.
The company operates from four major depots. The headquarters and place of our origin, remains in Cwmbran in South Wales. IG has large manufacturing facilities in Swadlincote in South Derbyshire and Cookstown in Northern Ireland.
IG invented the original open back lintel in 1967, which has now become the industry standard. Our lintels are engineered to be the most structurally and thermally efficient lintels available. They are widely specified and used throughout Europe on commercial, industrial, residential and institutional projects.