INVC, known as Industrial Noise & Vibration Centre, is the leading engineering consultancy for innovation and best practice in noise control, noise assessment, hand-arm vibration risk management and is the major provider of competency training in both noise and vibration. Services and resources include:-
Noise Control and Assessment
We have developed unique engineering noise control technology that reduces typical project costs by 50% - 80% compared with conventional measures. This can even make noise control projects self-financing. We also audit risk management programmes against best practice, provide certification so that PPE can be used long term and generate benchmark Digital Noise Assessments for use as company templates.
Hand-Arm Vibration Risk Assessment and Management
We have the largest hand-arm vibration database of accurate field data available. This allows us to carry out risk assessments at a fraction of the cost of measurement. The HAV-Base vibration database is also available for in-house use.
Noise and Vibration Training
The INVC is the major provider of noise and HAV competency training in the UK. This training is supported by a comprehensive range of shorter modules covering all aspects of occupational and environmental noise and vibration.