Business Articles and Press Releases

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  • Stay Accurate

    With the MSX Magnesensewith Magnesense® Differential Pressure Transmitters

  • Antimicrobial Security Seals (A-MVB) | Now Available from JW Products Ltd

    A-MVB™ Security Seals, or Antimicrobial Viricide Material Infused Security Seals, are tamper-evident seals infused with a proprietary blend of additives that include an ionic-silver-based formula that targets, repels, and deactivates or eliminates the metabolic and reproductive capacity of virus-hosting bacteria, as well as other microorganisms such as molds, fungi, and algae.

  • The end of 2020.. and what a year is has been

    It’s safe to say from Mid-March 2020 onwards, this year didn’t quite pan out the way any of us expected. There has been a lot of fear and uncertainty about across both business’ and households alike. One thing we have seen a lot of in the face of these tough times, is community spirit.

  • ifm delivers the benefits of IIoT without the complications

    Developed specifically to be versatile, easy to use and fast to implement, the new moneo IIoT platform from ifm electronic <> provides a convenient and cost-effective solution to the challenge of converting the huge amount of data generated by modern plant and machines into useful information that can be used to reduce downtime, optimise efficiency and cut costs.

  • Anti-Rust Development Trials

    At Spraylat we pride ourselves on being the original manufacturer of peelable coatings.

  • Environmentally Friendly Protection for Eco Build Project

    Our Application Technician Rob recently visited an interesting eco build site in Somerset. Rob was asked to help with a bothersome render problem.

  • Is postponement manufacturing the best option in a post-Covid world?

    Is focusing on postponement manufacturing still a good strategy in an unpredictable Post-Covid, commercial future?

Articles 3101 to 3110 | Page 311 of 861

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