Company details for Insignia Security Service Ltd

Insignia Security Service Ltd

  • 0158 (Display number) 01582 296 015
Unit 1
Parmar Chambers
68-72 Stuart Street
Luton Bedfordshire LU1 2SW United Kingdom

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About us

We are a security company with offices in London and Luton supplying bespoke security services to all aspects of retail and commerce. We are also an ISO9001 quality assured company a S.I.A approved contractor and a safe contractor approved company. Our working in partnership policy ensures that you as the client not only receive the highest possible service, but also best value for money. Call us now to find out how Insignia Security Service  can benefit all your security requirements. We supply fully vetted, trained and uniformed security guards to a multitude of sites, including council establishments, industrial sites and commercial premises.  We have expert knowledge in providing security solutions to businesses across the UK.  We offer a wide range of security services including event security, retail security, static and mobile security, construction and building site security, close protection and more. 

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