Company details for International Pipeline Products Ltd

International Pipeline Products Ltd

  • 0174 (Display number) 01748 813270
Gatherley Road
Brompton on Swale
Richmond North Yorkshire DL10 7JH United Kingdom

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About us

iNPIPE PRODUCTS™ is an acknowledged world leader in the design, manufacture, supply and hire/rental of pipeline pigging, maintenance, isolation and testing products for over 35 years.

The company engineers a comprehensive range of products including foam and metal bodied pigs, cup pigs, bi-directional cleaning / gauging pigs, pig handling equipment, isolation tools, spheres, pig signallers, pig tracking, pig diverters, pig launchers and receivers as well as bespoke engineered solutions to meet specific client requirements.

iNPIPE HIRE™ provides unrivalled pipeline testing and pipeline isolation solutions including flange weld testers, internal weld testers, pipeline plugs and the industry leading Dual Tool.

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