Company details for JHP Electrical Services Ltd

JHP Electrical Services Ltd

  • 020 (Display number) 020 8950 4643
1A Bourne Road
Bushey Hertfordshire WD23 3NH United Kingdom

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About us

Founded in 2005, our clients include construction companies, sports clubs, schools and colleges as well as major residential and commercial property developers, hospitals and clinics.
However we help you, you can count on our specialist technical knowledge, expert workmanship and exceptional levels of customer service and experience.
A family-run company, we really care about our clients, employees and suppliers and treat them like family too.You can see what some of our clients have to say about working with us here.
If you need electrical expertise and technical advice, and want your project guaranteed to finish on time and budget, please call us on 0208 950 4643 and talk about how we can help you.

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