Company details for Jonnys Drains

Jonnys Drains

  • 0195 (Display number) 01959 928 853
63 Ash Road
Westerham Kent TN16 1EJ United Kingdom

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About us

I am an independent blocked drains specialist (Featured on BBC) and operating in all forms of residential and commercial drain maintenance, repair and installation.

My Services Consist Of: 

Drain Cleaning - underground, sinks, baths, showers, pumps, saniflos, toilets.
CCTV Surveys   
CCTV Drain Mapping Surveys (CAD)
Drain repairs - along with relining (No-Dig)
Drainage installations
Pump station maintenance and installation
Pressurised Smoke testing - odour detection.

I take great pride in all jobs, from unclogging a kitchen sink to maintaining a new drainage system. 

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