Company details for JPP Consulting

JPP Consulting

  • 0160 (Display number) 01604 781811
Grand Union Works
Whilton Locks
Daventry NN11 2NH United Kingdom

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About us

JPP is a dynamic, modern, multi-discipline construction consultancy.

Established in 1973, JPP has steadily grown to become a consultancy that offers a broad range of services to a diverse client base. Our expertise is founded in our ability to adapt our skills to meet the individual client’s needs and to add value to schemes, not just in terms of cost savings, but by enhancing other key values including social and environmental aspects.

We aim to deliver a comprehensive consultancy service to all our clients from project conception through to completion. We achieve this by investing in the latest design software packages and staff development to ensure we have up to date, in-depth knowledge of emerging technologies, allowing us to design efficient, modern and economic solutions.

With offices based in Northamptonshire, Warwick, Poole and Milton Keynes, we can easily serve the whole of the UK.

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