Company details for Just Generators

Just Generators

  • 0126 (Display number) 01263 820202
Britons Lane
Norfolk NR26 8TS United Kingdom

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About us

We only sell only top brand generators which have nationwide service coverage, these are manufactured from Honda, Robin Subaru, Yamaha, SDMO, Pramac, Stephill and Briggs & Stratton. Choosing a generator can be a daunting task, with very many models available, please be rest assured that if you purchase a generator from our website you will be buying a product which is of highest quality

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Latest Reviews

Just Generators

Bought Hyundai HY3100L from Just Generators. Delivered 23/06/2016. Test run 24/06/2016 failed after 5 minutes at no load: nasty noises coming from generator volts dropped to 0. Unable to contact customer services by phone have to use web page. I have officially rejected the goods as unfit for purpose and asked for my money back. No they want to inspect the genny first in case I have damaged it: OK can I go and witness the strip-down, as they propose to use Hyundai (not exactly independent) NO I can't.I have contacted the credit card company to get a refund. Don't bother trying to get one from Just Generators as they only do generators not anything you could call customer service!Pete Hogan IEng MIET.


Just Generators

The company profile states nationwide service. Here is my experience. Having had my pramac gen as a standby for a pumping system for several months, I went to give it its monthly run to charge battery etc. and found a 1metre wide diesel stain on my garage floor.I went to phone just generators and was referred to their terms which I was told state that warranty claims can only be dealt with by the internet.To submit a claim you have to have microsoft office to download a form.They will then decide what to do once this form is submitted. If they agree to repair it you have to stand it on a pallet - always keep a few of them around! as if - Then you drain all diesel and oil and strap it down for transport.;I spoke to Pramac to see if it was possible for me to deliver it direct to them. They are in Wales and say the gen would have to be returned to Just Generators first. They suggested I remove the side panel and have a look myself. This I did. I have never seem so many bits of hose and jubilee clips, Heath Robinson comes to mind. I found the leak a poorly cut piece of hose and phoned Pramac back. I explained which hose and they agreed to send me a replacement. They sent the wrong one. I bought my own off the internet.This is Nationewide service.


Just Generators

Ordered generator told it would be delivered next day. 3 days later it arrived. 6 weeks old and machine will not start passed from person to person nobody wanting to be of any help. Generator to be sent away for repair no offer of replacement while repair in progress no timescale given and zero communication. Very poor would not recommend


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