Company details for Kardex Systems UK Ltd

Kardex Systems UK Ltd

  • 0844 (Display number) 0844 939 0800
North Suite, First Floor
Stag House
Old London Road
Hertford Hertfordshire SG13 7LA United Kingdom

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About us

Kardex Systems UK Ltd are leading specialists in providing various automated storage and retrieval systems for a number of industries, including e-commerce, warehouse & distribution, manufacturing, automotive, pharmaceutical and electronics.  When it comes to intralogistics, we as a company pride ourselves on our ability to redefine dynamic storage solutions based on a long history of inspired innovations. 

Based in Hertfordshire, Kardex Systems offer fully-functional installations as well as appropriate software packages all over the world. 

Since our early establishment in 1987, we as a company have gained an outstanding reputation for our successful installations and ability to cater for customer needs as well as comply with market demands. 

Our in-house facilities based in Germany are run under strict rules and regulations to ensure maximum efficiency and high quality standards.  We are widely recognised by the general public as leading designers and manufacturers of bespoke solutions that are guaranteed to create an effective operation in regards to logistics and warehousing.  Our systems are built using a holistic and modular approach, ensuring increased safety and higher productivity. 

Whether our clients are looking to store documents, belongings etc, we at Kardex Systems have the right solution for them.  Our solutions are reliable, efficient and long-lasting, each offering a number of benefits to any organisation. 

We provide vertical lifts, vertical carousels and horizontal carousels that are designed with extra care and with the needs of the customer in mind.  We use the latest technology to build these systems, which leads to effortless retrieval and storage as well as a significant improvement on the organisation as a whole.


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