Company details for:

Madabout Lockers


1 Northern Way,
Bury St Edmunds,
IP32 6NH,
United Kingdom

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About us

Madabout Lockers is the only manufacturer of the complete range of lockers in the UK. We design and supply lockers for all sectors and whether you need to buy lockers for storing kit bags, laptops, mobile phones, school books or personal items, Madabout Lockers will make the perfect locker for you.

We specialise in both standard lockers and customised lockers and can design the best locker for your storage needs. We have a wide choice of colours, styles and locker accessories for you to choose from. Our school lockers are not restricted to one size and can vary due to the pupils age. Our staff lockers can differ depending on the users needs and whether they will be positioned in a dry or wet environment such as a leisure centre.
Madabout Lockers Website