Company details for Maddison Scaffolding Ltd

Maddison Scaffolding Ltd

  • 0800 (Display number) 0800 061 4701
167A Ruxley Lane
Epsom Surrey KT19 9EX United Kingdom

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About us

At Maddison Scaffolding Ltd, we are acclaimed specialists within the scaffolding sector, excelling in precise planning, innovative design, and robust assembly of scaffolding infrastructures for both domestic and residential projects. Our devotion is towards delivering superior quality and workmanship, augmented by complimentary and competitive assessments. Our seasoned ensemble, armed with comprehensive Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) training and over two decades of hands-on expertise, navigates each project with stringent adherence to British Standards BS 5975, ensuring utmost safety and complete peace of mind. We offer an extensive array of scaffolding services, showcasing mastery in planning, design, erection, and dismantling across the expansive domains of London and Surrey. Our expertise traverses a wide spectrum of scaffolding systems, adeptly catering to diverse requirements from working platforms and towers to propping, shoring, and formwork.

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