Company details for MDT - Framlingham

MDT - Framlingham

  • 0172 (Display number) 01728 621680
Rookery Farm
Saxmundham Road
Woodbridge Suffolk IP13 9PH United Kingdom

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About us

MDT is a family owned business, one of the UK's leading distributors of wearing parts to the agricultural industry. Our Head Office is in Framlingham, Suffolk.
MDT supplies the whole of the UK and many countries in Europe with Agricultural Wearing Parts.
Mark Donsworth, who is Managing Director of the business, has over 25 years experience in the agricultural industry and is known as an expert in ground engaging wear parts. Mark is supported by a highly enthusiastic and hardworking team who have over 80 years experience in agriculture MDT strive to ensure that they are known for their knowledge, quality, reliability and customer care.

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